
An invention patent is a creation of technical thoughts utilizing a law of nature to result in certain effects, to solve certain problems and further to achieve expected intention of the invention.
The standard to decide whether an application falls within the definition of invention is to determine if there is any technical character in the invention application. For instance, a simple discovery, scientific principle, information disclosure and artwork creation lack of technical character and do not fall within the scope of invention.
An invention patent shall be divided into two types: an invention of object and method. An invention based on the purposes of application, utilization and usage should be considered as an invention of method.

Formality and Substantive examination
*Anyone can request substantive examination within 3 years from the filing date.

Patent Term
20 years from the filing date

International Priority
Within 12 months from the first filing date

Patent Annuities
The first annuity shall be made with the certificate fee and subsequent annuity shall be made every year
- A copy of specification containing a description, claims and abstract and a set of formal drawings.
- The name and address of the inventor/applicant.
- A copy of applicant-signed Power of Attorney.
- A certified copy of the priority document if claiming for a priority right.