Industrial Designs and Models
A creation whose appearance represents a product in whole or in part by virtue of such characteristics as lines, contours, colors, forms, textures and/or the materials used in the product itself and/or its ornamentation and which meets the requirements of novelty and unique character, may apply for the registration of industrial design and model for protection.

Formality and Substantive Examination.
*The applicant should submit the application of substantive examination within 30 months of the date of filing of the initial or divisional application.

Patent Term
25 years from the filing date

International Priority
Within 6 months from the first filing date

Patent Annuities
once a year.
The fee for application of registration has included the annual fees of first 5 years
- A copy of specification containing a description, claims and abstract and drawings or photos.
- The name and address of the inventor/applicant.
- Power of Attorney (must be duly notarization).
- A certified copy of the priority document if claiming for a priority right.
Flowchart of Application Process for Industrial Model and Design